277 Draft Riots 1863 - Shooting
Draft Riots 1863 - Shooting
Launched in New York City in 1855 by the English immigrant engraver whose name graced its masthead, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper was the first commercially-successful U.S. pictorial newsweekly. Like the more genteel Harper's Weekly, Leslie's provided northern readers with pictorial coverage of the Civil War, but it catered to a broader range of readers by also covering sensational crimes and popular entertainment. This engraving was blithely described in Leslie's as depicting "the prompt justice of a lieutenant on a rioter in 36th Street" with no accompanying indication about the date or explanation about the context of the event.
Draft Riots 1863 - Shooting
Original Caption: Scene in Thirty- Sixth Street, between Seventh and Eighth Avenues - A man shot by an officer.
Event Date: July 13-16, 1863
Publication: Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. August 1, 1863.
Source: Tearsheet
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